
Our CPC is Co-Host of 2 Small Biz Guys talk radio show. Listen in On-Demand.

Planck’s Constant

Relationship marketing with social media hinges on the ability to Know, Like, Follow, Share and Engage in Commerce. It is NOT about how many shiny objects you can put in front of someone. You might be aware of the science behind the service, energy x time or momentum x distance. Einstein called it ‘spooky action at a distance.’ It’s quantum physics applied to the web today.

What does that mean for you?

Our expertise, instruction and management deliver results over time – growing your reach and profits. Our Chief Possibilities Coagulator (CPC) has a proven track record across several industries on and off the Web, including radio and TV. We work hard and often over deliver on our promises, giving you a constant level of service that rocks.

Our Story

Our CPC (one who molds possibilities into reality) has an amazing skill set developed from nearly 3 decades of creative endeavors and service in various industries. He understands how people, places and things work together on- and off-line. Understanding content creation, search engine optimization and website development (from domain and hosting purchase to finished product); his training as an educator empowers him to help YOU learn how to effectively develop and market your product/service through the digital realms, social media and the world wide web.

Meet the Team

We guarantee your satisfaction. We treat you with care and concern, learning more about you so we can serve you better. On occasion we bring in additional contractors to fulfill requirements we cannot.  In our growth, we have contracted with several vendors that provide stellar service – spooky action locally. You’ll get a level of performance you might not expect; authentic, honest, professional, timely and value-driven.

Luba Brodsky

Chief Inspirator

Classically trained, our Chief Inspirator excels in creative environments. Pictured here with Industry Rockstar Alessia Kane, Luba carries a strong performance code with her brilliant creative mind. Immigrating from Russia over 2 decades ago, her inspired moments have led to many successes.

Bruce ‘Zen’ Benefiel

Chief Possibilities Coagulator

Mr. Benefiel, with an MA, MBA and skill set to die for, has been an advocate for conscious business development for decades. Trained as an educator and facilitator, his methods and workshops make complex subjects easy to engage. His eclectic mindset is an asset to differentiating a client’s business.

Our Vendors

Chiefs of Other Tribes

Most clients we can serve without engaging outside help. If and when we do need help, like for intricate website functions, our vendors are just what you’d expect in high-quality service. Usually with our instruction and service there is little need for additional help, though we deliver whatever is needed.

Let’s Connect!

We look forward to hearing from you. We are selective and only take on a few new clients at a time, so don’t delay if you find our services appealing. It’s not that we don’t want the business, we just want the right business so we can perform to our peak in serving you.

Drop us an email today!